Sunday, August 14, 2011

Go The F**k To Sleep!

Today Anne-Elissa and I went to a baby shower. It was for one of her many friends, Jamie, who is expecting a baby girl, Haley, at the end of the month.
Anne-Elissa and Andrea were the hostesses. Anne-Elissa had the idea that it would be a "book shower" where everyone brings a book with an inscription to baby Haley. Other gifts were also given but the books were the stars of the show especially one called Go The F**k To Sleep. It is written by the authour of other children's books and after the birth of his daughter he wrote this book, which all of us who have ever tried to put a baby/child to sleep can relate.


  1. What a great gift idea for a baby shower! I've heard of the "sleep" book, but I haven't seen it yet!

  2. Your title made me laugh out loud. What a great gift for a new parent. Which book did you give?

  3. On The Night You Were Born by Nancy Tillman. It's more of a cry than a laugh out loud till you cry like the other

  4. There should be a period at the end of the sentence. For the love of God. I haven't been away that long ;-)

  5. Laughing. Especially since you left off the period to your last sentence, too. :-)
