Monday, November 7, 2011


Too Much Information!!

I realized a while ago that I have an iPod, iPhone, iPad2, Macbook laptop and a Dell PC.
I can read a book, play a game, send an email, check my facebook page, download an App for Anderson, pay my bills, etc. . . . . . but I can't figure out how to download music.

Yesterday I watched every single episode of a sit com called Last Man Standing staring Tim Allen and Nancy Travis. What a waste of an afternoon, but I did laugh out loud a couple of times, so maybe it was worth it. I watched on my Macbook Laptop.

I long for a simpler time. I have been watching all the obituaries of Andy Rooney. He had quite the life. Leave your beloved job and three weeks later just drift off after surgery.

Things are moving too fast for me. I mailed a birthday card. I went to the store and picked out what I thought was the perfect card, I hand wrote (even though with my health problems writing has become a huge problem) I addressed it and put a stamp on it and then Anderson and I drove to the post office because it had to arrive on the special person's birthday. I felt so good after doing that. I did wish her Happy Birthday on facebook but it was not nearly as satisfying as the card!


  1. Health problems? You have information? Sending prayers to you.

    I know what you mean about things moving too fast and finding new ways to suck way our time. However, I love my technology. And I miss Andy Rooney.
